Week 18

A quick shot of Maria at 18 (almost 19) weeks. We have the 20-week ultrasound scheduled a week from Wednesday, where we will hopefully learn the sex of Nubs and get to check in on limbs and so forth.

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Week 16 Belly Shot

This is what I look like now–getting a bit larger, but I can still get away with wearing some non-maternity clothing. Which isn’t to say that I’m not wearing the elastic jeans once and a while for extra comfort (not to mention style).

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Things I look forward to buying #2

Transformers. We can start with Wheeljack and Metroplex:

As my Dad commented earlier, I do in fact already own a Wheeljack, but that’s MY Wheeljack, Dad. Unfortunately these guys will need to wait until Nubs is smart enough not to eat plastic guns, but they can always just sit in my office until then.

All is quiet

Maria had a quick checkup yesterday, and everything looked good. Sounds like Nubs is moving around a lot and making lots of good heart beat noises. There’s another set of blood work being processed, but we shouldn’t really hear anything else until the big 20 week ultrasound where (hopefully) the gender will be determined.