Brief Site Outage

My apologies to anyone who tried to visit the website this evening – my hosting account was infected, and all of my sites were being redirected to a shady Russian website. I pulled off of that account, and moved it to a fresh account on a new provider. Everything should be good from here on out.

Things look a little bit different around here, as I need to rebuild some of the changes I made to our site. Won’t be long until we’re right back to normal, though!

New Photos of Anna’s Second Month

In the last couple of weeks Anna has met her Great Grandparents on my side, and spent lots of time being cute around the house. It is really great that Anna has gotten to meet all seven of her Great Grandparents now! I think she made a good impression on all of them.

We posted a bunch of new pictures to the Month 2 Gallery: Anna Month 2

Anna has been doing very well lately. She has slept pretty well for the last week or two, and is showing signs of going longer between feedings. We’re also convinced that she is just about to start smiling any day now. She is using her hands more, occasionally grabbing her blanket or Maria’s hair. But for the most part she is still content to stare at the ceiling.

Almost 6 Weeks Old!

Time is flying, and Anna is almost 6 weeks old already. We’re going to put up a bunch of pictures from the last couple of weeks, but until then here’s a short video for you.

Anna at Four Weeks

Here’s a video of Anna hanging out with Maria on her four week birthday.

Also, we tweaked a couple of things with the website. Pictures are in the same place, but we’re putting videos up on You Tube for now to save on storage space. As a bonus, videos can be embedded in the site now.

Also, you can now use the two links in the menu above to find posts containing photo albums or videos.

You may notice some old pictures or videos removed because of this shuffling around, but I think it will be pretty minimal.

2.6 Anna Pictures

Anna got to meet some of her great grandparents last weekend, and we took a lot of pictures. Over the next couple of weekends, Anna will get to meet her great grandparents on my side of the family as well!

We also had some shots from around the house that we wanted to get up, so I put them all together in a new gallery here: Anna Week 3

Things have been going pretty well for the past few days – Maria and I have been getting a lot more comfortable doing things with Anna, which is fun. We took her out to lunch with the Burke / Parrott family last weekend, and Maria just took her to the mall to buy some new baby clothes. There have been a couple of Mommy/Daughter outings like that which have all gone well.

Three Weeks

Anna is doing very well – she is over three weeks old now, and Maria and I are starting to settle into a little bit of a rhythm. We can both count on getting at least a few hours of sleep per night now, and I’ve gone back to work, so the house has a small sense of normalcy coming back.

Anna continues to grow – at her two week checkup she weighed in at 8 lbs even, and just two days later she weighted 8 lbs, 3 ozs. We haven’t had her weighed in almost a week now, but I feel like she’s looking bigger every day. We’re starting to learn about her, too.

Things Anna Likes

    Her pacifier
    Laying on her back on your legs
    The box fan
    She seems to be coming around on the baby carrier – she likes it once she falls asleep
    Pooping immediately after you change her
    Falling asleep on Maria’s chest

Things Anna Does Not Like

    Her swinging chair
    Being put down in her crib (the bassinet in the bedroom or living room is okay, though)
    Even the slightest sense of being hungry.

As Anna gets more established, we’re starting to see her awake and calm more often, and she’s slowly coming around on her baby carrier, and maybe the swinging chair. The baby carrier in particular is a great tool, and we’re looking forward to her feeling okay in there. Maria successfully took her to the grocery store in the carrier earlier this week!

Many exciting visits this weekend with friends and family, so we’ll get some new pictures up after that, I promise.