A Cold Birthday

Maria’s birthday was this weekend, and it was also one of first cold days we spent outside with Anna this year. In the last picture there, Anna is in the middle of saying “Happy Birthday, Mommy,” thus the funny face.

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In the great childhood tradition, today Anna did her first thing with her eyes closed. She ate peas! With her eyes closed!

Finger Painting

Here’s an album with a few pictures from the last month: September, 2013. (You can tell that Maria’s been taking all of the pictures lately.)

And also a video of finger painting on the back porch! Don’t mind the cicadas.

Anna Videos

Here’s Anna playing the piano and Grandma and Grandpa’s house (or Lolo and (G)Crack, as she now calls them). I’ve got to say, she needs more practice.

Anna is still drawing a lot, and it’s helped her learn her colors very well. She and Maria were having a really good conversation while drawing, so I grabbed my camera. Unfortunately I missed the part where Anna explained that Elmo was wearing a orange bowl as a hat, but I did get her lecture on Snuffleupagus sneezing his meatball off of his plate.


Summer Photo Albums

It took me a long time to finally get these posted, but better late then never. Here are some pictures of Anna from the 2013 Ryan Family Reunion!

Also, here’s a small album of Summer Pictures from around home. There are a couple of shots in here of Anna coloring – she is absolutely wild about drawing right now. Maria setup a little desk for her with crayons and different kinds of paper, and Anna will spend most of the day scribbling.

Almost sleeping on Dad

Anna and I were looking at some pictures on my phone and she almost fell asleep. I turned on the camera that faces the front of the phone and got these nice videos. In the first one you can sort of tell when she figures out that the video on the screen is live.


Videos from Back Home

After we got home from all of our trips, it was time to play around the house! Anna cooked some fresh pies with Mommy.


And then we played this weird game where she pulled her toys into her house. (Which she had earlier upended.)

Videos from Iowa

Anna learned lots of names during our visit to Iowa, including her Aunt Rae and Uncle Jon. She practiced by identifying whose water bottle was whose.


One of our new favorite songs is Wheels on the Bus. Anna is learning the words and the moves!


And here we are playing in a fountain on a very hot afternoon.