Anna was enjoying a delicious snack and I interrupted her to quiz her on her words:
Here’s her getting back to her snack:
Anna was enjoying a delicious snack and I interrupted her to quiz her on her words:
Here’s her getting back to her snack:
Anna’s favorite game right now is trying to sit on her ball and then slide off. She has a pretty good time. Oh, and she’s also a genius.
This second video is pretty unremarkable, but I wanted to share it because of the nice clear “Mama” caught about 27 seconds in.
Here are a few new images from the past couple of months: Winter & Spring 2013 Album
Also, here is a video of Anna coloring… sort of. She has gotten pretty good at holding a crayon, and has filled many pieces of paper with scribbles.
Anna is really getting good at stacking things! This is her tallest tower yet, and she was really into building it. She cheered when she put pieces on, and then when it fell down she cried a little.
Just because you can’t fall asleep doesn’t mean that nap time has to be a bore. Here Anna shows how to turn a blown nap into a party. The sound gets a little screwed up for the last thirty seconds when she’s yelling at her fan, but you get the idea.
Also, I think I may have captured Anna’s first whistle at the 1:43 mark.
It’s been really fun watching Anna play with her toys lately. She’s starting to have them interact with each other and pretend that they’re doing things. She’ll put her stuffed animals to sleep (then tell you “shhhh” and make snoring noises). She’ll also read to her animals or have them kiss things.
One of her newest games is pretending to pour water from her sippy cup into a plastic cup, then pretend to drink it. She was doing it this morning so I grabbed a quick video.
Anna loves being outside, and on Saturday it was finally warm enough for a walk around the neighborhood. Lots of fresh puddles made it even better.
I’ve never seen this before – Anna fell asleep on the ride home tonight, and she didn’t wake up when I came around to get her. So here is something very rarely seen: Anna sleeping.
First up is a video of Anna pushing a chair around. Right before I shot this, she was working very hard to pull the chair around with one hand.