Brushing Teeth!

Now that Anna has something like 3 teeth with more coming in, she’s started worrying about her dental hygiene. She’s taken to brushing her teeth quiet well:

And here’s a bonus ten second video of Anna running around without a shirt on. Check out those muscles!

13 Months

Anna is getting super old, huh? Here are a few new pictures of Anna: 13 Months Album

That album includes my favorite picture of Anna and I, which Maria just took a couple of hours ago. You can really see how grown up Anna is looking there, and she’s even paying attention to a book.



She’s developing several talents that have proven almost impossible to capture on camera. She’s quite adept at mimicking elephants, monkeys, gorillas, giraffes, dogs, and birds. Well, she doesn’t really mimic birds so much as get excited and make ‘b’ noises when she hears them. I did get her doing “shhhh” like Grover does in the book that Maria is reading here.


Playing with Water

Anna’s most recent obsession is playing with water; she’ll stand in front of the sink and splash around for as long as you let her. She usually needs a new shirt afterwards, but it is a good way to get her to wash her hands after a messy meal.

She learned about how much fun water is when we went to the Children’s Museum here in town. They have a whole room full of fountains where the kids can fill cups and splash around and generally get soaked.

One Year Old Album

I threw together a few pictures here for an album of Anna at One Year Old. It features such wonderful moments as:

  • Learning to sit on a stool
  • Running around with a cool hairdo
  • Ugly faces made when a camera flashes right in your face
  • Embarrassing bath time pictures to be used when Anna is a teenager

A couple of Anna Videos

This is Anna pretending to user her nose spray on herself and on Mom. She is making the “pssh pssh” noise that the spray makes when you use it!

And this is just her being a total weirdo playing on the couch.

I tried to get one of her stomping her feet (like an elephant), but she wouldn’t do it on camera. We’ll try again later.

Bucket Hat

The bucket that normally holds Anna’s blocks also makes a lovely hat. Also, you may notice in the background, Sesame Street has changed a lot since I was a kid.