Anna is doing very well – she is over three weeks old now, and Maria and I are starting to settle into a little bit of a rhythm. We can both count on getting at least a few hours of sleep per night now, and I’ve gone back to work, so the house has a small sense of normalcy coming back.
Anna continues to grow – at her two week checkup she weighed in at 8 lbs even, and just two days later she weighted 8 lbs, 3 ozs. We haven’t had her weighed in almost a week now, but I feel like she’s looking bigger every day. We’re starting to learn about her, too.
Things Anna Likes
- Her pacifier
- Music
- Laying on her back on your legs
- The box fan
- She seems to be coming around on the baby carrier – she likes it once she falls asleep
- Pooping immediately after you change her
- Falling asleep on Maria’s chest
Things Anna Does Not Like
- Her swinging chair
- Being put down in her crib (the bassinet in the bedroom or living room is okay, though)
- Even the slightest sense of being hungry.
As Anna gets more established, we’re starting to see her awake and calm more often, and she’s slowly coming around on her baby carrier, and maybe the swinging chair. The baby carrier in particular is a great tool, and we’re looking forward to her feeling okay in there. Maria successfully took her to the grocery store in the carrier earlier this week!
Many exciting visits this weekend with friends and family, so we’ll get some new pictures up after that, I promise.